Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Good Morning

Good Morning Everyone,

It's cloudy here this morning and right now it's 50 degrees outside. I'm back from Kansas City and had quite the weekend.

I've been cross stitching quite a bit the past month. But took most of last week off from stitching. I am now ready to do some more crossstitch.

We are having steak, mashed potatoes and spinich tonight and I am going to bake some pumokin bread today.

I just started toying with a book idea and I'll let everyone know when I actually decide to work seriously on another book.

I am now going to see if I can post a photo on here.LOL

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Saturday September 18th

Good Morning,

What a week first mom cancelled on coming up for the day. Had to rearrange insurance man but yet again as Frank had to make a trip to Witchita. Been doing the winter and fall clothes wash and organizing them as best I can and this has turned into a two week chore. It sounds like I have a lot of clothes but mostly I have vry little closet space.

I am sure everyone has more exciting plans than I do this weekend as I plan to do nothing but cross stitch and (SIGH) more laundry. My days are not very
exciting at the moment.

I can't wait to finish the Halloween Sampler and get back to the winter sampler. I did go to supper with my friend Lydia this week and we had Chinese Food. So we pretty much are caught up.

My son called last night and they had had leaks in their apartment this week plus he had the stomach flu this week. He called to tell me he is going to Lake Charles for Christmas and that his sister Amanda is coming to Kansas City for Christmas the day after Christmas.


Monday, September 6, 2010

Labor Day:

It shouldn't be too much longer before I have the Halloween Sampler finished. Today I found some of my Halloween decorations and while set them out to be washed I haven't put them out and up. Well I did the door wreath but that is it.

About a million years ago when I did ceramics I made a haunted house to which I still have (most of the pieces) so I always set it out and I made a darling ceramic scarecrow to which will be out and of course little white ghosts with black eyes, my Halloween Snowman in Cross Stitch that I did some years back and I have some black ghosts with pumpkin heads. I used to have a pumpkin Jack O' Lantern that was a light that blinked off and on but alas a grandchild broke that one some years back.
If you think I'm back my husband is worse and between you and me one year he made a black cat (he's no artist) and the face would scare my mother.LOLOL he made a pumpkin (grandchild would have done it better even the two year old grandchild) again no artist but the man loves his woodwork. He can paint a wall beautifully and does wonderful staining but drawing that is a whole other blog. Of course I have to admire it whether I think it's good or not because he will quit woodworking or pout so I just admire and go on with life. I could draw at least the pumpkin face etc but he doesn't ask because it's all his deal. I would rather cross stitch a pumpkin so while our house will not win any awards for decorating it's still nice to acknowledge fall. LOLOL we both love Halloween and fall. I feel that is what counts although I do get strange looks from our strange neighbors.
Do you decorate for fall? Do you carve a pumpkin or string orange lights?
For next year when the stitchers come to my house in September I am going to make a Halloween Tree and stitch ornaments for the tree. I am also going to make a tree or at least ornaments for the three other stitchers. It should be great fun....
Now my favorite thing is Skeletons I love Mr. Bojangles Skeletons.
Frank usually does bales of hay in the yard and then he stuffs a scarecrow and it's cute.
You can tell I'm ready for fall to arrive as this year it was way way too hot in Kansas and I didn't enjoy much of summer. Besides I can't wait to bake pumpkin bread and I love the turning of the leaves. I also love to wear sweaters and in the fall I can wear the beautiful fall sweaters.
I just wish I had a fireplace even a fake one as it is so much fun to stitch by a cozy fire or when the fall rains come I can curl up and read by the fire. However we do not have a fireplace and its a shame.
I know I also love to watch Kansas City Chiefs Football and I always crave nachos when watching footall. LOL I did watch the pregame this week and KC won 13 to 17 that was awesome.
This is the time of year I miss living in the victorian house and it was right across the street from the library.
At least I can look forward to Arsnic and Old Lace, Matilda, Hocus Pocus and other fall mysteries.
I will probably try to locate a Carolyn Hart Mystery set in the fall this year as I don't think I see any new fall mysteries.

Okay off to get ready to make our jaunt to Joplin.

Happy Labor Day!


Friday, September 3, 2010

September 3rd/10

I did finish my snowman on Thursday and started my Halloween Sampler. I love the fall like weather in Kansas today. I hope to have more followers so please tell your friends. I hope everyone has a safe and happy Labor Day Weekend.
I'm reading KILLER PLOT by Ellery Adams and enjoying it very much.
What are you reading this weekend?


Tuesday, August 31, 2010

More Pictures of Cross Stitch

I'm back

Soon to be fall and I have had many changes. First in 2011 I've had a wonderful Mother's Day, my daughter took me on the first vacation I have had since she was seven and we went to Minnesota that year. She is now 26 years old, my birthday was spent shoe shopping which I loved. This year we have no plans for Labor Day Weekend and I do need the rest.

I have decided to take an hiastis from writing books and I am not sure how long it will last this time. I've struggled with my writing the past two years and have now decided to devote my time to my cross stitch, blog, reading and doing some reviews. Of course I will devote time to family and friends and quite possibly might be going to work part time on Friday Saturday and Sunday. More about the job after I know if I get it and when I will start working. I haven't worked outside the home since I left the library in 1999 so this will be changing things up a bit.

Frank's health is worse and I do not think it will be something that gets better as he is a diabetic and I fear it might be time for insulin shots. If this happens I doubt he will drive the wrecker anymore which of course might depress him as he loves being a wrecker driver and meeting interesting people.

I have read plenty of good books this summer. BRYANT & MAY ON THE LOOSE by Christopher Fowler is Excellent as was Sue Grafton's U IS FOR UNDERTOW,. MISSING MABEL by Nancy Mehl is another good mystery and currently I'm reading KILLER PLOT by Ellery Adams so far I like it a lot.

I plan to finish cross stitching my snowman by Thursday and start on my Halloween Stitching. I feel I now have the time to at least keep up with this blog weekly.
Melissa and Jay are back to college classes. Melissa only has four more credit hours until she can graduate but has decided to stay in school two extra semesters so she can graduate with a minor. She takes her LSTATS for law school in October and she wants to be an Urban Planning Lawyer and work for state or city goverment.
Jay is an english major and I am not sure what his career choice will be I do think is girlfriend Erin will be going pre-med.
All of my grandchildren are happy and healthy and seem to be doing well.
I hope fall finds you with many good book and projects..........